We got our OUYA

… and we’ve managed to port CLARK to it! Matthias did a lot of coding last week to finish the OUYA build to be shown at E3 like … today-ish. The OUYA folks have set up trailers on the parking lot in front of the actual E3 so if you are close by, we recommend having a look! It’s free
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CLARK’s OUYA Developer Video

Hey guys, here’s a video of us presenting Clark. It not only features Mat, Jens and me trying to speak in front of a camera but also first moving pictures of the outdoor theme of the second chapter!

Chapter 2 – The Desert

Hey guys, just to give you a little update what we’re working on at the moment: Right now, we create the second Chapter of CLARK. Eventhough there have been first sketches almost since the very beginning, we are now refining and testing everything that has been built during the previous weeks. Chapter 2 will be shorter than the first one
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Clark and Wall-E – An in-depth analysis

So many people have told me that “Clark looks sooo much like wall-e”, that I wanted to settle this issue once and for all. So after almost two years of research, here’s the result of my in-depth studies on the subject:

The Genesis of Clark [the in-game model]

THE BEGINNING: When we started to design this game, we had a fairly simple robots-in-a-maze-fight-each-other (PvP) idea, so the very first attempts at designing the characters were much less peacful than the little guy Clark eventually turned out to be. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuCeGIsI9so&w=560&h=315] INSPIRATION: Pretty quickly we figured out that our first dip into the waters of game design shouldn’t be
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