We want to expand the team by a Unity coder for both prototyping and framework-building for our next cross-platform games. We offer you a paid job in an enjoyable and vivid work environment in our office in Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg). Check out the full description in the JOBS section!
CLARC Original Soundtrack almost done
Hey guys, the last weeks, Jonathan took the time to go through his many CLARC music tracks, find the ones he liked best and gave them some nice soundtracky polish. Now he’s almost done and we’re eager to listen to the result. Take an ear at the track called “The Aftermath”
Just a liiiittle bit more testing …
Of course, we wanted to share CLARC with the world outside the OUYA for quite a while now but to make sure it is running smoothly and bug-free on as many devices as possible, we need to do a little more testing. And since we never really showed anything concerning the whole cross-platform thing, here’s a little line up we
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Happy New Year, Happy New Website!
A Happy New Year we wish you! ’tis true, good Sirs: we are guilty of delaying what should not have been delayed. But you have to believe us: it was only our best intentions (and bad planning) that made us not release CLARC for Android and iOS and PC and Mac in 2013! And now, that a whole fresh new
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New Name, new Logo
Hey guys, it’s been a while! Now what have we been up to? As you might have seen, we re-named the game. CLARK is now CLARC. No big deal, but we felt it was necessary to make sure there are no legal issues to trouble us later on. We had a talk with a lawyer speciallizing in this field and
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